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Spring 2011 Convention & Expo
March 20-23, 2011
The Venetian, Las Vegas

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The COMPTEL PLUS Spring 2011 Convention & EXPO offers three days of educational programming, featuring top-notch speakers with decades of industry experience.  Our agenda is currently under development, but you can expect to hear about the latest trends, learn about successful case studies and participate in interactive discussions about the business, technology and regulatory issues impacting the competitive communications industry.  Among the topics that may be discussed include:

  • M&A
  • Customer Retention
  • Convergence Wireless to Wireline
  • New  Innovative Services or Applications to Attract/Keep  Customers
  • In-house vs. Agent Marketing/Sales
  • Innovations for Utilizing Copper
  • Innovative Ways to Market your Products and Services to Customers
  • Selling to the Government
  • Successful IPTV Business Models
  • Impact of User Demand for Content on Business Models
  • Seamless Integration of Customer Service Support and Technical Field Installation Personnel


  • The New Reality of IPv6
  • Network Issues with IP to IP Connectivity
  • Impact of the Demand for Content Explosion on Networks Utilization
  • Impact of Social Media on Network Utilization
  • Successful Wi-Fi Deployment Applications
  • New Network Products or Capabilities for Meeting Customer Demands or Saving Money
  • SMS
  • Trends in Construction and Deployment of Fiber and Wireless Networks


  • Interconnect Agreements (IP to IP issues)
  • Net Neutrality
  • Rewrite of Telecom Act
  • Continued Importance of the  Wireline Network
  • Antitrust & Mergers

“Over 50% of session attendees rated COMPTEL sessions as better than comparable conference events."